Learn more about YES on 2
Ban Foreign Election Spending
The Federal Elections Commission recently ruled that it has no jurisdiction over state referendum campaigns, creating a dangerous loophole that allows for foreign government spending in referendums unless explicitly prohibited by state law.
A YES vote on Question 2 this November would prohibit foreign government-owned entities from contributing to election campaigns. A YES vote would also improve our local democratic self governance, as a recent report by the Campaign Legal Center shares, "...the measure’s provisions serve to strengthen and protect Maine citizens’ First Amendment right to democratic self-government."
“The current level of spending, which increases every year, is poisonous to our democracy — this initiative is the antidote that Mainers have been asking for.”
Senator Nicole Grohoski, D- Hancock County
$100 million
The amount spent in Maine elections by foreign government-owned entities since 2020
Read the Referenda Text:
“It prohibits a foreign government-influenced entity from making, directly or indirectly, a contribution, expenditure, independent expenditure, electioneering communication or any other donation or disbursement of funds to influence the nomination or election of a candidate or the initiation or approval of a referendum. ”
Combat Corruption
Our initiative affirms Maine’s support for an anti-corruption amendment to the U.S. Constitution and charges the Ethics Commission to report annually on the progress made by our Congressional delegation on such an amendment. This amendment would allow Congress and states to set reasonable limits on campaign spending and contributions.
Twenty two states including Maine have have already called on Congress to pass amendment to the Constitution – our initiative would affirm Maine’s support and charge the Maine Ethics Commission with reporting annually on progress made by our congressional delegation.
Read the Referenda Text:
“The initiated bill also calls on each member of Maine’s Congressional Delegation to actively support and promote an effective anticorruption amendment to the United States Constitution to reaffirm the power of citizens through their government to regulate the raising and spending of money in elections. ”
About Protect Maine Elections
Protect Maine Elections is a nonpartisan campaign launched by Maine citizens from across the political spectrum for the sole purpose of passing a groundbreaking citizen’s initiative to eliminate foreign influence and corruption in Maine elections.
A Brief History of Protect Maine Elections
In 2021, the Maine Legislature passed legislation to ban foreign government spending in referendum campaigns but the bill was vetoed by the Governor. Frustrated with the Governor’s failure to protect our elections, Maine voters then launched the Protect Maine Elections campaign.
Over 400 volunteers collected more than 80,000 signatures from Mainers in support of the effort. In November 2022, the campaign submitted those signatures to the Secretary of State, who certified the petitions. Like with any initiated bill, the Legislature had the opportunity to pass the bill outright or send it directly to the 2023 ballot.
After hearing from thousands of voters in support of the measure, including in over 2 hours of public testimony, the 131st Legislature enacted the bill with broad bipartisan support. However, despite the broad bipartisan support in the legislature and near universal support among voters, the Governor again vetoed the bill. The Legislature attempted to override the veto but fell just nine votes short.
The bill will now be Question 2 on the Maine Statewide ballot this November.